Patient Services

Access to information and education about the DOH-compliant medical cannabis program in Washington State provided by licensed Medical Cannabis Consultants.

  • Remote Consultations
  • Individualized wellness plan
  • Product Recommendations
  • Store Suggestions

How it works

We’re here to help you navigate the DOH medical cannabis program in Washington State

  1. Schedule an appointment
    Pick a time that works best for you to connect with a licensed medical cannabis consultant.
  2. Complete a patient intake session
    We will look at all the details of your health and wellness goals to create a personalized plan.
  3. Receive your personalized wellness plan
    Review the product suggestions and usage plan created by our licensed medical cannabis consultant.
  4. Choose your store
    Choose from a list of stores that sell the suggested products and start your journey.

Schedule An Appointment Now

We’ll put together a customized plan just for you and work with you to get started on your health and wellness goals.